Publications and accademic work

Dr Hay-Smith remains academically active and keeping up to date is very important to him.

He has authored 18 peer reviewed papers, posters and international presentations, given numerous talks to fellow ophthalmologists within Queensland, Australia more widely and Internationally.

He has been a Principal Investigator on several national and international trials for retinal disease (RIVAL, HYDRUS, AUSDEX) and led the field work for the TEMA EYE SURVEY in Ghana, West Africa. This is the largest Glaucoma epidemiology study ever done in Africa involving over 5000 patients. He was a research fellow at the University College London Institute of Ophthalmology.

Dr Hay-Smith is a member of:

Society Memberships:

  • Australian and New Zealand Society of Retinal Specialists
  • Australian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
  • European Society of Retinal Specialists
  • European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
  • RANZCO Uveitis Special Interest Group
  • Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine

He is a current reviewer on the RANZCO scientific committee and a former committee member RANZCO Professional Standards committee

Academic papers, presentations, and posters

18 Peer reviewed papers and international presentations and posters.

Peer reviewed papers

Jean-Claude Mwanza, Samantha Tulenko, Keith Barton, Leon Herndon, Elizabeth Mathenge, Alyson Hall, Hanna Kim, Graham Hay-Smith, Donald Budenz.  

Eight-Year Incidence of Open-Angle Glaucoma in the Tema Eye Survey

Ophthalmology.  Epub ahead of publication.  Ref: OPHTHA_2018_1509_R3

Mwanza JC, Grover DS, Budenz DL, Herndon LW,  Nolan W, Whiteside-de Vos J, 

Hay-Smith G,  Bandi JR,  Bhansali KA, Forbes LA, Feuer WJ. Barton K.

A comparison of cup-to-disc ratio estimates by fundus biomicroscopy and stereoscopic optic disc photography in the Tema Eye Survey.  Eye advance online publication, 7 April 2017; doi:10.1038/eye.2017.50 

Budenz DL, Barton K, MD, Whiteside-de Vos J, Schiffman J, Bandi J, Nolan W, Herndon L, MD,Kim H, Hay-Smith G, Tielsch J, for the Tema Eye Survey Study Group:  Prevalence of Glaucoma in an Urban West African Population: The Tema Eye Survey. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131(5):651-658. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2013.1686

Hay-Smith G,  Rose G E.  Actinomyces ductulitis of the lacrimal gland: an elusive cause of chronic conjunctivitis.   Ophthalmology. 2012 Jan;119(1):193-6. 

Budenz DL, Barton K, MD, Whiteside-de Vos J, Schiffman J, Bandi J, Nolan W, Herndon L, MD,Kim H, Hay-Smith G, Tielsch J, for the Tema Eye Survey Study Group: Blindness and Visual Impairment in an Urban West African Population. Ophthalmology 2012 Sep;119(9):1744-53. 

Hay-Smith G, Kirwan J, Usher C, Murdoch IE, Beta radiation: an effective and potentially cheap aid to preventing sight loss from Glaucoma  IET: Alternative Health Technology for Developing Countries, May 2010.

Carbonaro F, Hay-Smith G. Voluntary work overseas for foundation doctors.  British Journal of Hospital Medicine, Vol. 69, Iss. 2, pp M28 – M29, 13 Feb 2008.

Ezra DG, Hay-Smith G, Mearzah A, Falcon MG. Corneal wedge resection in the treatment of high astigmatism following penetrating keratoplasty Cornea. 26(7):819-825, August 2007.

Hay-Smith G, Sagoo M. Raina J. Fatal thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura presenting with choroidal vasculopathy and serous retinal detachment.  Eye 20, 982 – 984, 01 Aug 2006.

Hettiaratchy et al.  Glove usage and reporting of needle stick injuries by junior hospital medical staff. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1998; 80: 439-441.   Statistical adviser Hay-Smith G (acknowledged, not author). 

International presentations

Hay-Smith G, Rose G, Luthert P.  Actinomyces ductulitis, an overlooked cause of persitstantly sticky eye. ESOPRS, Marseilles, Sept 2009.

International posters:

G Hay-Smith, Kirwan J, Usher C, Murdoch IE, Beta radiation: a cheap aid for preventing sight loss from Glaucoma The Institution of Engineering and Technology Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Developing Countries Congress (AHT 2010) London May 2010.

Bandi J, Budenz D, Barton K, Feuer W, Nolan W, Herndon L, Whiteside-de vos J, Egbert P, Hay-smith G. Prevalence Of Blindness And Visual Impairment In An Urban West African Population: Tema Eye Survey.   GHIC 2012 Global Health & Innovation Conference April 21 22, 2012 Yale University, New Haven, USA.

J. Bandi, D.L. Budenz, K. Barton, W.J. Feuer, W. Nolan, L. Herndon, J. Whiteside-de Vos, P. Egbert, G. Hay-Smith, Tema Eye Study Group.   Prevalence Of Blindness And Visual Impairment In An Urban West African Population: Tema Eye Survey  ARVO May 2010.

Krakauer M, Pendurthi B, Hay-Smith G, Barton K, Budenz D L, Barriers to the uptake of cataract surgery in an urban West African community. ARVO May 2008.

Carbonaro F, Hay-Smith G.  Audit on a cataract service in a Ghanaian charity eye clinic. 12th ESCRS Winter Refractive Surgery Meeting and Cornea Day, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 2008.

Hay-Smith G, Rajesh K, Murdoch I., Presentation patterns of Glaucoma in Malaysia.  Poster.  International Glaucoma Congress.  Vienna, Austria, May 2005.

Rajesh K, Hay-Smith G, Murdoch I.  Glaucoma presentation in Rural SE Asia.  Poster. Eye Advance conference. Mumbai, India, Oct 2006.

Wagh V, Spratt A, Hay-Smith G.  Junior ophthalmic trainees in the United Kingdom: current standards and Opportunities. Joint Congress of SOE/AAO 2007, June 9 – 12 2007, Vienna, Austria.

National posters

Hay-Smith G.  Changes in care pathways for emergency patients at a DGH.  Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Liverpool, May 2010.

Wagh V, Spratt A, Hay-Smith G, Waldock A. Modernising medical careers (MMC): the lost experience quantified.  The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress 22-24 May 2007

National presentations

TRENDS meeting.

“My optician has seen something, is it serious?”  (Psuedoxanthoma elasticum).  March 05.  Prize for best presentation.

King’s Guy’s St Thomas’ regional teaching

“Thrombocytopenia and the ophthalmologist”.  Nov 04.  Prize.

10th Thames Oculoplastic Group.  Hay-Smith G, Sagoo M, Shirsalker N.  Severe Necrotic Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus.  07 November 2003.

Major trials as a Principle Investigator

RIVAL NCT02130024  Main outcome measure: Mean Change in Square-root Area of Geographic Atrophy (GA) From Baseline to Month 24 between Ranibizumab and Aflibercept JAMA Ophthalmol 2019 Apr 1;137(4):372-379. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.6776

AUSSIEDEX NCT02731911 Main outcome measure:  Ozurdex in the treatment of diabetic Macular Oedema.

HYDRUS SURGICAL TRIAL  Ivantis sponsored pre-marketing trial of the Hydrus Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Stent.